The mirror is a map of hope, wisdom and understanding of the deepest interconnections of everything. Vaughn indicates that we are currently timid or planning speeches, the results of which will only appear in the distant future, but we may not be able to fully understand what we are waiting for. It was only in hindsight that we realized what significant decisions we made then (today), under the sign of the Arcana Zirka. And just as the present day takes an hour to sprout and become a growth, so Zyrka reveals its fruitfulness far from immediately. In the traditional Tarot, the Zirka of the Great was respected as one of the three protective angels, who predicted a favorable result of any plans on the right.


Here you can see that we are standing on the threshold of a completely new career. This may be both a natural continuation of our previous work and a transition to something new. However, any negotiations, projects, agreements and agreements that take shape during this period promise us success many hours in advance.


The mirror shows that our future is in our hands. With this, we are presented with a broad perspective in the distant future, which will go far beyond the boundaries of specific households and plans. Since we have risen to the height of an eagle, we can clearly see all the various changes that can appear on our way, and the ways in which we can singly correct them, and finally, the bottom is sufficient for us to be known yourself in success.

Features of each other

Some contacts are formed, in some cases, but extremely important, contacts are made that will carry the legacy of rich fates. Spoils placed under the sign of this card will last until May.

Internal location

You already knew the path that can lead to your powerful form of immortality, which is what you meant. Vykorist your power wisely, deprive yourself of the calm serenity that the subject of your jokes is within reach. All that you have achieved or will achieve, let you deprive the world of your memory of yourself. There is no need for you to be afraid of superniks; No one has the strength or the ability to bring you this success. If you have enough wisdom and generosity, you will realize that you will increase your flow and improve your name by teaching others what you have learned yourself.

The mirrors represent the Universe with its secrets and potential for growth, intelligence and power. The stench symbolizes what is external, let alone material, but those that are beyond the boundaries of this world. There is a lot to be said for, not only from the point of view of astrology, the eyes direct our shares. The tarot card Zirka Shukacheva has the ability to take the initiative on oneself.

Just as the Bashta Tarot shows the catastrophic results of the unwise use of power and power, the Zirka Tarot demonstrates the potential of wisdom and understanding, which is the true power. An old Greek myth suggests that the Olympian gods placed people among the stars to immortalize them. The Tarot Star shows the beginning of your path to immortality.

At this point on your path you become a reader as well as a joker. The stars will appear in your direction, giving you power, as the Magician is trying to take himself into service: be in the center of the Universe, in order to change the heavens for the powerful will.

If you want to get to grips with your power, you need to turn the crops. The young woman on the map pours water, which infuses life force, turns her earth, the mirrors spread over her head, infuses her strength. This is the beginning of a re-creation: the eyes above her are to bother those who are afraid, so that she begins to become what stinks. This is a miraculous butt, although I carry a different idea, the lower Magician: “what is on top, those are on the bottom.”

The young woman on the Zirka Tarot card emphasizes eternal youth and true beauty. The stars above it symbolize the reach potential of your mark and, just as importantly, the price of the mark that it may be. Water in the stream symbolizes non-turbulence (more, less patience), according to the knowledge that you will overcome all changes. A generous portion of this knowledge and power goes down to the ground in order to revive those from which it rose. Start with the fact that you are ready to collapse to higher levels of knowledge, it is important to remember that your root and, therefore, the basis of your strength lies on the earth. You must think not only about those where you are going, but about those who are following you.

Complementary with other cards


9 swords: guilt, fierceness

Bashta: coup, chaos

Month: anxiety, confusion, turbulence

Devil: hopelessness, lack of faith, pessimism


Empress: rudeness, endless chaos

6 cups: good will, shareable fate

Divine: innocence, faith, trust

10 cups: joy, positive emotions, blessed one


Aquarius. Svidomosti camp - pneumatism. The energy of the ether (light air) is absorbed by the ancient Gnostics, and Prana - the Hindus, Chi - the Chinese, Ka - the Egyptians, Od - the alchemists. With the help of the light ephor, the flow is transferred to the World of Archetypes, the Cosmos, the planets of the world of the 4 elements, or the Material.

Litera Tsade. Hieroglyph Ribalsky Gachok. Dotik. Herbalist. The color is violet. I'm Tzadek - justice. It means water in which nymphs live. The truth is reasonable - Tarsis is panning in the spring over sunset. Number 90.

Use all your energy to drown your thoughts: like the Phoenix, all your thoughts slept.

Hope (awakening), lack of help, clear manifestation, awareness of future possibilities, looking at the unknown; with negative aspects - mercy, moodiness, disappointment. Putivna Zirka creative naga. Nadiya. Vira. Unable to provide additional help. Sometimes it’s moody. Rich potentiality. More distant prospects.

Reversed: Hopelessness. Unreal worlds. Rose enchantment. Pesimism. Bad luck. Creating a crisis for the genre, searching for sense.


Hayo Bantskhava and Bridget Theler “Tarot of Thoth by Aleister Crowley. Key words".

Description of the arcana

The quiet, mirror-like sweetness of a dawn night continues to emerge from the foggy lake. Convicted in the sky, locked in deep meditation. This is the goddess of the night, who bears the depths, the world is a rosy one. This is a very precious hour. It will be easy for you to become confident in yourself, to penetrate into the depths of your powerful thinking to the point where you will align yourself with the thinking of the whole world.

Straight waist

There is nothing to be gained here, nowhere to go, and the intensity of your inner silence permeates everything you do. The stench of the people could be felt unceasingly, the fragments of the stench rang out to the noise and activity of the world. Forget about them, look for those who can resonate with your silence, or enjoy your own self-ness. The time has come to come to yourself. The beauty and blessing that will come to you from this place will appear later, when the hour comes for the call to return.

Sense card

The energy of the whole has overwhelmed you. You are buried, you are no longer there, and you are whole. The same thing, as long as the prayer penetrates you, you can understand its significance, since it is the same prayer as having recognized Gauttama Buddha. This is the same thing as having recognized Zhuang Ji, or Bodhidharma, or Nansen. The same taste of movchannya. The hours change, the world continues to change, and before the end of the day, our joy, they are deprived of excess. There is only one thing that you can rely on, there is only one thing that never dies. This is the only thing you can call a good life. (Osho)

Gola maiden, standing on one knee in a bowl of water, was drinking water from two glasses, which means a large number of new ideas and the emergence of new theories. In appearance, the girl looked pleased and hopeful. In the sky above her hangs a majestic mirror, the Mirror of the Magi, which shines in gold and is sharpened by smaller mirrors, which release their reflections onto the earth. The mirrors hope to descend over the naked maiden. There are birds and birds all around her, so as to witness the emergence of a new life and prospects. Ptah is the sacred wise bird Ibis, and the stars symbolize the exchangeable cosmic energy. This card clearly represents the arrival of new positive possibilities and the success of their implementation. Water is a dangerous path, and people may choose to change it through new positive possibilities.

Meanings for fortune telling

This card means hope, faith, strength. Brighter prospects. Synthesis of the past and today. Obitsyanka of friendly possibilities. Optimism. Penetration. Good banner. Dukhovne kohanna. Emerging star. The brightness will pour into your lot. Astrologically inflow. How well we know about robots, past and present. Swede fruits are a legacy of wasted energy. Vikonannya. Satisfied. Nasoloda. A fair balance between love and work, hope and hope, love and expression. This is a pleasant card, as it conveys that the vital energy of life is necessary for happiness.

Values ​​in inverted position

Unfulfilled hopes. Rose enchantment. Pesimism. Bad luck. A variety of friendly possibilities. Intense. Stupidity. Instability. Completion of the distant history of friendship.

This card depicts a woman, clothed or naked, standing on her knees in front of the water. In her hands she also has two glazes, but the water does not flow from one to the other, as in the map of Mortality (XIV), but flows over the water body or onto the ground. Next to her is the Malovnika miscevost; In the distance, a songbird is sitting on a tree. The sky is clear, one can see one large and seven small stars, the skin is very different.
The woman’s legs do not stick to the ground, and she herself does not throw up shadows. Having fallen asleep in one world, she woke up in another: in order to reach the next stage, she did not need either sound or cry. She has not yet realized what force carried her here, to the land of dreams and darkness, but she can guess about the origin of this force: even though all the stars are tied over her head with the eighth card - the card yu Sealy. The power renews the woman, who has reached the desired destination, the promised land - but it turns out that she will not require it, and the miraculous power is wasted for nothing: the water flows aimlessly into the already empty reservoir or into the unsaturated land.
And the flowering tree and the songbirds show that not everything is really wasted: it is given indiscriminately, not immediately, in a different form, but it turns.
This card is also called the Mirror of Magic, which symbolizes the unity of planets, elements and other forces of nature; True, according to the tradition of the Zirka Magi, it is not the eight-point, but the seven-point one that is respected. The eighth line reminds us of the mystical relationship between the sign of Aquarius and the sign of Scorpio, a symbol of love and death: Aquarius creates, Scorpio implements. He realizes more than a thousandth of the ideas and hopes of Aquarius, then bestows them with immortality.

Inverted view:
The prospect is not so favorable: a rapid expansion of the situation will not be overcome, however. I am glad, as this map suggests, for the one with the Cosmos, for the achieved internal harmony and for the world with oneself. In fact, this can mean a recommendation to switch to one of the harmonizing techniques - wushu, qigong, reiki, etc.

For businessmen:
Actually, this is not the card; If it fell out, then I’m glad: either it’s safe to take care of your own affairs with the State Duma (parliaments of the region, the municipal government, the village), or to make a bet on charity - donate as much as possible to the church, child and doctors, schools, etc. hired for the next six months.

The water that the girl pours onto the ground spreads into five channels, which flow into five organs.

The girl is depicted naked, which symbolizes the truth, that her youth is based on the renewal of life force.

Nadiya. Success. Vira is better than ever.

This card shows a girl pouring water from two buckets, with a small mirror above her head. Vona is a symbol of revival, renewal and hope. Since long ago, the mirrors in the sky inspired hope, awe and worship. The mirror unites us with that part of our soul that preserves faith, even if our life is in mortal danger There is still no hope for a fix. Vaughn calls on us to believe. the vindication of our own hidden treasures, so everything is possible as long as hope is alive.


The mirror symbolizes the brightness and positive prospects and the period when our life begins to improve. Vaughn indicates that we can have the best hope and believe that we are fully supported life's history. Zirka calls us to discover new paths in life and develop our inner potential. We are gaining new understanding about the sense of life and the reality of believing in the past of our most cherished hopes and deaths. The very fact of our positive awareness seems to attract us to situations that create minds for the fulfillment of our dreams and ambitions. “Hope is lost forever” is the motto of this card, because in the depths of our souls we all believe that our worlds may ultimately fail. When we spend our faith in the best life, the fire in our midst is gradually extinguishing, and our life becomes dark and desolate; We are plagued by doubts, and we are consumed by a slightly inner voice that encourages us to lurch forward. The mirror symbolizes the light of hope and intensity, without which we inevitably go down the path. Because our knowledge is open and friendly, it will guide us through difficulties and show us the path to the right destination.


The appearance of a price card in a layout means a revaluation of life values. Your energy and faith in yourself grow so much that you have a strong desire to do something new and meaningful. A new life is revealed to you, and your hope encourages you to follow your death. Be calm and confident in your strengths and are unlikely to allow doubts to undermine your faith in the future. Stay on course and know that there is no hope of help to help you live your life. The vision promises to be a solution to a lot of difficulties and problems. All your wounds will be healed, and your efforts will have a positive result. Everything that comes out of you is faith in its own strength.

The expanse is rich in invisible forms and inaudible sounds,
He has a lot of miracles, words and light.
Let’s pass them on only to the one who has both knowledge and feeling,
Who, having caught the little one's rice, having lost the sound, lost the word,
The whole world of creation receives from him.

Oleksiy Tolstoy

Description of the map and internal area
The darkness will never end. In the pre-light fog you can already see the contours of the trees. At the gathering the sun appears, filling this world with a rye-colored light. You can still see the stars in the sky. One of them, the largest, is not in the center of the sky. The others, the smaller ones, were located on either side of her.

And on the ground, just under these stars, kneeling on one knee, stands a naked girl. Vaughn trims two glazes. One of them pours water into the lake, and the other one pours water directly onto the ground.

Following the old occult traditions, the seventeenth Arcanum is nothing less than a celebration of the greatest gift - intuition. Intuition is the channel through which the Inaccessible Power reaches us. Intuition is not a fault, not a sudden manifestation in human life that violates the Divine Law. On the other hand, we can say that this is the main essence of all essential Laws. The one who, having acquired a sense of intuition, knows the greatest gift that will become dear to him under the pressure of this world. Why is intuition called the Sight of magicians?

Intuition is inextricably linked with simplicity. Guess the secret wisdom about those who are all genius - simple. Intuition always finds the most powerful thoughts in its essence in a simple and accessible form.

On the other hand, the Zirka card is a revelation of the Truth. The Seventeenth Arcanum demonstrates the potential of wisdom and wisdom, which is a powerful force. In order to reject this priceless gift, it is necessary to undergo a painless test, and become a god. Even if a person is weak in spirit, they cannot comprehend and accept the truth without embellishment, “the naked truth” (this itself symbolizes the image of a naked girl).

Linking the card with other occult sciences
(ne) - Wind and dew listen to God,
Litera - C, number - 17,
Carried by the zodiac sign - Aquarius,
Classification according to the Book of Changes - 64 hexagrams (“Until completion”),
Type of runes - rune Wunjo (Vunyo),
The hour to arrive is evening,
Weather minds - better weather,
Standard color - white,
Subsurface chakra - Ajna Tapo (chakra of the “third eye”),
According to Kabbalah, it connects the Sephira Netzach with the Sephira Yesod.
Meaning of the card
Straight waist
The seventeenth Arcanum in the direct position describes a person who will give the person hope and acceptance, helping him to reach the sacred world.

As this card helps to cloud the situation, it has the following meanings: wisdom, attainment of truth, spiritual enlightenment, rainbow perspectives, intuition, religious devotion.

Turn the camp over
In this episode, the seventeenth Arcanum is ahead of the fight with the hypocritical asshole, who is ready to mislead the interrogator and criticize him with unfulfilled dreams and projects. In truth, people are reconsidering their goals, vikory trust and sincerity of the questioner.

When describing the situation, the Zirka card in an inverted position speaks of disappointment, deception, egoism, undesirable dreams and misfortune, meanness and evil. Sometimes she warns about theft.

“The hour has come, if all the bad things are gone. You no longer need to be afraid of the superniks - they have become weaker for you, no one can harm you, because you have enough wisdom and understanding to handle everything. Now you need to learn how to cheat with this knowledge I know, what is in you.

This card shows a woman drinking water. This symbolizes creativity, so the core of creativity is never compromised. Think about how unexpectedly ideas, songs and paintings came to you. You could work on the implementation for years and realize that there is a new energy that you want to work on for a long time. Map of Wyconan in bright colors, which means the intensity that sparkles, and the joy of creative search. The woman is completely naked, but it feels completely natural and does not spoil her nakedness. This means that she enjoys life. The woman stands with one foot on the ground, and the other on the water. This shows that it is equal to the relationship between the material (earth) and the spiritual (water). Everything in the world is more beautiful and wondrous. There you are, alive in the world, where hope and peace are panicking. This is a card of hope, inspiration and optimism.

What to put in if you get a Zirka card
  • Are you an expensive proposition for your life?
  • What are you hoping for?
  • What are you dying about?
  • Do you really know what you want and what it is - why are you unkind to yourself?
  • How does hope help you in difficult situations?
  • Maybe you're barking at me?
Key ideas

Embrace the moment and quiet yourself. You are entering a new stage of life and are pursuing the right course.


Direct card: Friendship has both hope and hope. Your positive approach and love for life will make your friends joke and know themselves well.

The card is turned over: With friends and enemies. Take a break to think. Can you allow people to love you for who you are?


Direct card: You get busy, connected with ethics and religion. Now the time has come to infuse life with your blessings.

Reversed card: You have difficulties with creativity. Find a way to awaken your awakening. Read more, listen to others, try new things.


Direct card: Things are absolutely magical between you and your partner. This is a special hour, enjoy it. If you don’t have a partner, but you have “laid your eye” on someone whom you respect as unattainable - call this person, and you will be surprised. Now you can reach the stars with your hand.

The card is turned over: Your mind is in sum'yatti; You can’t understand what you count as hundreds and what you don’t count. You may need to spend a good hour on your own to get to know yourself.


Direct card: For all members of your homeland, a much-needed period of peace and peace is coming.

Reversed card: Voltage in family wear the reach of a very high level. It will be a good idea to sleep well, or if you want a little quiet time at once - that’s where you will play, and so on.


Direct card: You begin to appreciate a wide range of religions, both main and alternative. This is the beginning of your path to knowledge and realization for yourself.

Reversed card: Celebrities will rush towards you. Remember, these people are not right. From them I create a singing image. You see the image itself, and not who these people really are.

Health / Vitality

Direct card: You don’t have to worry about the power of your appearance and you effortlessly project an aura of natural charm around yourself. No matter what the situation, you shine like a mirror.

The card is reversed: If you are in company, with any company, you will otherwise put on camouflage. Stop boasting, let the world enhance your beauty!


Direct card: Financial success is not the most important thing in your life. What is of much greater importance to you is spiritually and emotionally.

The card is reversed: You cannot live only by love. We all need to eat. So how else would you have to pay for a pittance? Make sure that you give respect not only to spiritual and emotional, but also to physical needs.

Vorozhinnya for pіvhvilini

Sonya wanted to become a lawyer. I needed to know how to capitalize on this wealth, and what would be better than less ambitious plans. Zirka told her that my death needed to be lifted. Sonya faces bright prospects. It is necessary to work hard in order to pay for yourself!


Mysleform: Nadiya.
Number: seventeen.
Old Jewish literature: p.
The color is black.
Stone: turquoise.
Astrological analogy: Mercury, Venus at Pisces.
Another name: “Zirka Magiv”.


The soft blue color of this card immediately creates a mood of non-turbulence and calm. After the stress and shock of the front Arcana, a light of hope began to appear before you. Magnificently Tarot, in every Arcana, you have encountered this and other authorities, manifestations of people who require understanding. You set your own diet, analyzed your plans and, perhaps, outlined your goals and motivations. The closest number of Arcana will be dedicated to the sky. The time has come to take a break from the bustle, rise high above yourself and take everything to the side. The eyes of an absolutely unprepared spyster, far from the dribbling turbos and ambitions, are bright in the eyes. The stars shine brightly, for them all are equal, they are ready to give hope and joy to everyone. Golovne, so that people’s souls are tired of running or going out into the street at night, looking up to the sky and being caught in wonder at the beauty that appears to them.

A beautiful young maiden with an apple in her hands dances on the edge of the water. Bright mirrors shine above her head, and the blue ibis dances at once from her. This is the most mysterious and exciting star of Sirius, or Sopdet, the most beautiful star of the daylight sky, which is located in the surname of Canis Major.

Mythological dossier

Sopdet (Sothis) – goddess of the star Sirius. She was depicted as a woman with the horns of a cow or an antelope. The first rank descent of Sirius after the winter break ran with the beginning of a new fate behind the Egyptian calendar and the flooding of the Nile, so Sopdet sauntered as well as the goddess of the advancing fate, and clean water. Sopdet was sung as the patroness of the dead, and she cleansed them with her clean water. She was related to the goddess Satis, and sometimes with Isis.

Sopdet is bare, like nature, which has not yet drawn from its green leaves to the rising Nile, the water to give life to the plants and flowers. Nudity will testify about her youth, even as the goddess of doom, and new river forever brings new hopes. In addition, even from a young age, innocent little girls walked around naked in Egypt. And it’s also worth mentioning that hope does not deprive us of faith in the face of difficult misconceptions. The blue hustka would like to talk about her connections with the Cosmos. One foot stands in the water, a symbol of amicability. The combination of all three factors of innocence and the connection with water and Space to talk about the prophetic gift of Sopdet. Pythia could no longer be an innocent woman, since great gifts are given for the sake of great purity. She knows that the hope she gives you is not worthless. This is confirmed by the dancing one from the Competent ibis. This bird always knows when the Nile begins to overflow and when a new river begins, it knows everything in the world, and even especially Thoth, God knows.

The glacier in the hands will match the color of hearts, which means the energy of action. Two strings flutter from this glacier, reminding us of the two strings of the Arcanum “Death.” Only here there is resentment of the flow of water, which enhances life force. With one stream the virgin revives the earth, she says, so that it can bear fruit, another stream flows from the water, causing the Nile to flow. These cards symbolize the lack of turbo, and more, less patience. There is a lot of knowledge that you will get through everything.

Cream will appear on the map even now, so they will circle around it at the round dance. Since a long time ago, people have been spluttering and showering themselves with these heavenly signs. The mandrivniki paved the roads, focusing on the stars. With her light hand, the star itself became a symbol of hope. The beauty of the dawn sky has always attracted and fascinated people with its secrecy. People folded mirrors into narrow ones and created legends about them. Astrologers have transferred the shares and steps for the development of the stars. Humanity is eager to reach space in order to unravel its secret place. This is the mark on the map - this is the seal that preserves the secret of the Confidential. The quarrelsome and rebellious do not support it. The dawning sky will usher us into the calm and absence of turbos. The mirror of hope illuminates the paths of each person, and only a wise scholar will know the paths of truth. The map symbolizes the forces of nature, hope, the raft river for a new round of development.

Values ​​in the layout
In a direct position

Arcanum "Zirka" is a symbol of hope and revival. It means an influx of creative forces, intensity, new ideas, directness to the future, prospects, new talents, dreams and dreams, the appearance of unsatisfactory help. Successes for those on the right and great potential. Listen for inner beauty and harmony. Warm flow on those who are absent, faithfulness, a sense of calm, faith in one’s strength. This may mean the reception conditions and the joys of the unsatisfied. Improvement in self-esteem, both physical and mental. An optimistic outlook on life, great plans that may come true. Regardless of the situation, it can be interpreted as a sign of unsolicited help and the appearance of a new friend or family.

Porada. So that you act in the spirit of the songful hope that your human thought has created? What’s missing? Ale, this hope is wonderful, maybe you should try it?

In an inverted position

The card means a supernatural moodiness that leads to disappointment. Nevikoristani, vtracheni potennosti. A more satisfying life that has come by the will of the people themselves. Creating a crisis. Listening to the sense of life, the collapse of plans and lost hopes. Failure and disappointment await you. Unbelief in one's strength, pessimism, slowness in action, day, dullness, abundance, leisure.

Porada. Try to share your hopes and the hopes that others (fathers, readers, friends, colleagues) put on you.

Zirka is not just patience, but finding the right place for what is important to you.

Zirka (The Star) corresponds to the number seventeen and the ancient Jewish letter.


Wisdom, immortality, the achievement of your goals, generosity and wisdom.


A woman's figure, who sank on one knee in the water. Most decks have a knee on the birch tree, and the other has a leg on the strumka. Vaughn rubs water into the skin up to the shoulder and all over. In all decks, water flows from one glacier into a streamer. In many decks, water from another hole flows onto the bank of the stream, and some of it turns around the water stream. Restore respect to the unique imagery of the Fourteenth Arcanum (Murness). The allegory of the card is not just patience, but finding the right place for what is important to you.

There are sparkles shining above the woman’s head, and her knackiness and dispersion in different decks of different things. In some decks there are 7 stars on the card, spread around the head and creating something like a halo. In other decks, there are 7 small stars arranged differently and one large star directly above the figure’s head. Often in decks that use this other symbolism, small stars are arranged in two columns on the opposite side of the large star, again introducing the theme to the portal. And also decks, in which only one large star is depicted directly above the woman’s head.

The background of the figure is an open rural landscape. In many decks, in the background, one or two trees are depicted with a bird growing at the top. As there are two trees, stinks are rotted along the sides of the figure, such as colonies, as on other cards of the Major Arcana.

The most important thing is that the woman pours water into the spout. Vaughn turns over to the dzherel part of what she is taking away.

Internal location

Let's look at the imagery of the stars. Since a long time ago, people have been spluttering and showering themselves with these heavenly signs. Astrology bears in mind that the expansion of stars flows into our shares, and people unfamiliar with astrology have respect for distant lighthouses. Mandrivniks vikorized the Polar Zirka (or the Pivdenny Khrest near the Pivdenny Pivkuli) to pave the roads. People have always painted paintings from different stars and created legends about them. The mirrors have acquired another important significance for our time, as long as we carefully, if not artlessly, pave our way to them.

The mirrors represent the Universe with its secrets and potential for growth, intelligence and power. The stench symbolizes what is external, let alone material, but those that are beyond the boundaries of this world. There is a lot to be said for, not only from the point of view of astrology, the eyes direct our shares. Whose Arcana Shukacheva has the ability to take the initiative on himself.

While the Falling Bashta (Sixteenth Arcanum) shows the catastrophic results of the unwise abuse of power and control, the Zirka demonstrates the potential of wisdom and understanding, which is a valid force. An old Greek myth suggests that the Olympian gods placed people among the stars to immortalize them. The Seventeenth Arcanum shows the beginning of your path to immortality.

At this point on your path you become a reader as well as a joker. The stars will appear in your direction, giving you power, as the Magician is trying to take himself into service: be in the center of the Universe, in order to change the heavens for the powerful will. The young woman on the map pours water, which infuses life force, turns her earth, the mirrors spread over her head, infuses her strength. This is the beginning of a re-creation: the eyes above her are to bother those who are afraid, so that she begins to become what stinks. This is a miraculous butt, although it carries a different idea, the lower Mag: “what is on high, those are below.”

The young woman has eternal youth and true beauty. The stars above it symbolize the reach potential of your mark and, just as importantly, the value of the mark – which it may be. Water in the stream symbolizes non-turbulence (more, less patience), according to the knowledge that you will overcome all changes. A generous portion of this knowledge and power goes down to the ground in order to revive those from which it rose. Start with the fact that you are ready to collapse to higher levels of knowledge, it is important to remember that your root and, therefore, the basis of your strength lies on the earth. You must think not only about those where you are going, but about those who are following you.

Values ​​in the layout

Directly or more positively: wisdom, immortality, spiritual enlightenment. Hope, happiness, intellectual gains. Satisfaction, rainbow perspective, inevitability, intuition. Rukh to your mark; the understanding that this metata may be.

Inverted, or more negative: disappointment, impatience, villainy. Failure of hope, ill health. Self-confidence that leads to expenses, not gains.

You already knew the path that can lead to your powerful form of immortality, which is what you meant. Vykorist your power wisely, deprive yourself of the calm serenity that the subject of your jokes is within reach. Since this card distinguishes the reader, everything that you have achieved or will reach, allows you to deprive yourself of memory in this world. There is no need for you to be afraid of superniks; No one has the strength or the ability to bring you this success. If you have enough wisdom and generosity, you will realize that you will increase your flow and improve your name by teaching others what you have learned yourself.

In the calm that goes beyond the storms of Bashti, you not only get out of trouble, but also achieve new, effective salvation and inner peace. These are situations in which you can identify for yourself honestly, broadly, borderline openly, without taking anything for granted. This is the root of high self-esteem and belief in the improvement of humanity. The mirror helps you to take your place in the shadowy structure of the world, to accept yourself as one of the forces of nature, and from a practical point of view. You can sense a deep connection between the eyes and the earth, the one above, and the one below. You may be affected by the ecological and planetary legacies of this or any other situation. As a result, you will find your energies stagnant and will give your strength to any long-term project, perhaps one that anticipates your time and is unconsciously absent. For example, you will immediately focus on improving the environment, updating resources, or simply developing a prudent environmental strategy. Other manifestations of this card include meditation, rituals, science and computers, and natural medicine. Also in the context of the situation there may be important astrology, astronomy, various philosophical and scientific systems, as well as a free exchange of ideas, for which the Internet provides opportunities.

On the other hand, you can appear in the mirror yourself, bathing in the bright spotlights and enjoying the appreciation of your beauty and wealth. This card can indicate the emergence of creative talent or the ability to set a course for the world. You can act beautifully, sing and give charismatically, without worrying about the city. In the plan, you can expect idealizations, an unforeseen connection. This card has clairvoyance, as well as a cool, pure, light creative feeling that gives a chance to do what is needed at the right time. You can feel that through you there is a share of all the greater forces. Please, what is shown on the map, talk about blessings, about cleansing, and so on. This is also a reprocessing of outputs, waste and underground renovation “in the days of youth.”

Traditional meanings: hope, faith, enlightenment, brilliant decorations. Nathnennya. Idealism. Eternal beauty and youth. Lack of knowledge. Thoroughness. nature, climate, atmosphere. Sky, astrology, share. Friendly signs. Balance nadiya ta zusil. Satisfied.

Zirka inverted

The inverted Zirka represents the heroine’s journey to the lower world. This is why Vidmova makes a statement about herself that is based on such concepts as status, appearance and power. Or, according to Jung’s concept of the “bright shadow,” you can experience your true gifts with great respect, which is due to your talent, beauty, and attentiveness. As a result, you appear to be unsatisfied and keep your eyes open. Consider this momentary disappointment, the reason for which is rather short-sightedness, less connection with reality. You can indicate the loss of contact due to tension. Life and grief no longer seem meaningful to you. You don’t see the clarity of the tank, and that’s why the decision is praised. You get distracted and realize the difficulties in focusing. Zusilla appear to be either weak or supernatural - for the first time trying to draw bets with a sieve. Perhaps there may be a loss of innocence in one form or another. Self-esteem drops to zero, and you can no longer appear in public. Perhaps, now the listening hour is not for external efforts and recognition of your merits, but for observation and self-indulgence - an hour for “busy”, and not for “work”.

On the other hand, you may have become vile and intellectual, asking for flattery and taking it at face value, without actually giving gifts or compliments. You can become bogged down in Milky's aspirations and self-deception. Sometimes the mirror is inverted, indicating the waste and depletion of resources in all areas. You feel like a lemon; Dzherelo dried up. One querent learned from this reversed card that it was impossible to know the balance between the duties to the “real light” (the water that flows to the earth) and the spiritual work (the water that flows back from the water to the cosmos). It can also mean being enclosed in a kaleidoscope of mindless wonders and whims. You can betray an unattainable ideal, prank your perfect partner, a soul friend, who you fear will forever be unavailable.

If you project this card on other people, they appear to you as beautiful, talented and charismatic, or as inviolate, affectionate and free-thinking - the kind that exudes the kind of viciousness that you would imagine would be rejected. You may be wondering that they don’t value their talents the way you would in the past.

On the inner plane, you can become aware of yourself as a spark of the Divine. The truth lies in the fact that you are a powerful light, a self-sufficient essence, an internal energy resource that is ideally equal to what you give to others, as well as the energy of those who are close to you which is dear.

In terms of health, this card can indicate the internal healing processes in your body, especially those that can be started with the help of biological feedback (biofeedback). The energy of Zirka is very good for dispelling negative thoughts, cooling fever, relieving migraines and skin sores. It also provides a calming influx in cases of hysteria, hyperactivity and nervous stress.

In the shamanic and magical interpretation, this card is associated with the work of elemental spirits, as well as with the healing forces of the earth and forests. This is the purification and resanctification of the soul and body, since the stench appears ritually unclean. It is also possible to work with astrological subtypes.

Traditional reversed meanings: Unfulfilled hopes, unjustified expectations. Pride. Puffiness. Innocentness. Robbery. Re-verification. Sortuvannya. separation. Pompousness, lightness of importance. Lack of spontaneity. Intense. Bad luck. Instability. Thunderstorm, storm.

Astrological meanings:
Jupiter at 11 Budinka is the patron and encourager of new horizons.
The mirror is a map of hope, wisdom and understanding of the deepest interconnections of everything. Vaughn indicates that we are currently timid or planning speeches, the results of which will only appear in the distant future, but we may not be able to fully understand what we are waiting for. It was only in hindsight that we realized what significant decisions we made then (today), under the sign of the Arcana Zirka. І, Just as today it takes an hour for it to sprout and become a dew, so the Zirka reveals its fruitfulness not immediately. In the traditional Tarot, the Zirka of the Great was respected as one of the three protective angels, who predicted a favorable result of any plans on the right.

The romantic young man turned to blush in his bed and said: “Am I the first in you?”
Thinking Mitya, she said: “It’s entirely possible, I have a terribly bad memory for incrimination.”

Generous meditation

month:8 day:11


The life of people is the darkness of the soul. It’s very rare for people to get wounded in the middle, in the middle. When the morning comes in the middle, you are Jesus, you are Buddha. Your whole life means you cannot heal this internal wound. The inner sun has gone away - it's just waiting for its time. Vono checks with even the slightest effort, even with fury: I am ready to meet you, if you kindly ask! - And it will become a miracle.
An intelligent person is engaged in the search of his inner essence - this is the primary sphere of investigation... Even if I don’t know what’s going on inside me, how can I explore the extra light? Vin is so great.
The one who, looking in the middle, knows immediately. This is not a step-by-step process, this is a Mittish phenomenon, Raptian enlightenment.


Live with the world, or marvel at the world as if at a great dog. I am against the world's words. You want to live in a new, but different, different. Don't take the world seriously, take it cheerfully, otherwise cosmic heat. Light and cosmic heat. At the Gathering we call it a “Divine Performance”. Since the world is a Divine performance, it means that we are all actors, and which actor takes seriously his role in the performance of the play?
At the hour of death you can rob the Tsar. Ta hiba ti Tsar? Tsar is the only role. When the curtain falls, you forget about those who were king, who simply cannot be lost in your head.
If you are rich, don’t think about it; if you are poor, don’t take your poverty seriously. We define our roles: play as best as possible, but don’t forget that everything is up to date. Death comes, the curtain falls, and the characters are unrecognized. Actors are dissociated from light energy.
If you are accustomed to live with the world, remembering that the world is always there, you will be free, you will not be stuck in suffering. Suffering is the result of a serious commitment to life; bliss is the result of gri. Take life as a blessing, rejoice in it.

Meditation Here and now

On his first day, the child cannot comprehend his language. We mean hedgehogs, natural, primordial creatures. The child is hungry; The hedgehog is badly needed. You will need care much later - it is not so urgent and difficult. You can live your entire life without food, but if you can’t live without it, then you’re in trouble.

Step by step, he begins to realize that if his mother loves him especially, she gives him her breasts in a special way, not as if she is going to get angry; Then she gives her breasts even reluctantly and doesn’t give in. And the child knows that if her mother loves, if she has a hedgehog, she has love. This information is obtained from the unknown

If you don’t have to worry about chaos in life, you have more to serve as a substitute. Everything is simple for the hedgehog, because the hedgehog is not alive. You can chew it as much as possible - the hedgehog cannot get rid of you. Some people are deprived of their position as rulers. Ale u kokhanni you are no longer the ruler. To that I will say: don’t worry about it as much as you want, otherwise you’ll end your life as a farmer, and you’ll immediately realize that it’s not so rich. Didn't you mark it? If you are happy, you are not so rich. A happy person feels such contentment that there is no place in the middle. An unhappy person repeats to herself endlessly.

The mirror symbolizes revival and renewal, inner light, hope, order, non-turbulence. The card means an influx of creative forces, a surge of strength, an unexpected help from a new friend, and a new beginning. This is all about self-esteem, an optimistic outlook on life and current plans.

An inverted card means: it’s time to discover the creative side, perhaps, to engage in mysticism. Inode means stubbornness, intransigence, lack of ability.

Dragon Tarot Deck

Description of the arcana:

Stars of LE STELLE: Shadow of the dragon, intercession

The Dragon's Sword, which sows in the summer sky, is one of the largest in the summer sky. The Dragon Stars were polar stars in the period from about 45 AD. BC up to 2 years BC This suzir included the Mala Vedic Medicine with the Kokhab star, as the Arrow of Equality indicated to the whole Earth, Kokhab with the Polar Star of that hour. In the astronomy of ancient Babylon, there is little name for the Susir Dragon, which means the Yoke of Heaven.

The Heavenly Dragon guards the beast for those living on earth, enforces the law and intercedes for people.

Direct position of the Zirka card:

Nathnennya - Garna Prikmeta - Nadiya - Kerivnytstvo

The original meanings of the cards that come with the deck.

Deck of 78 Doors

Direct position of the Zirka card:

Zirka - The door to infinity, which leads to the Great Mind - right in the middle of you. Follow the creative inspirations that come from the depths of your soul. Romantic connections.

The original meanings of the cards that come with the deck.

Rider White Tarot Deck

Direct position of the Zirka card:

Meanings for Vorozhin: waste, theft, misunderstanding, misfortune. Another reading seems to be: hope and brighter prospects.

Turning position of the Zirka card:

Return values: pride, thoughtfulness, importance.

The original meanings of the cards that come with the deck.

Osho Zen Tarot Deck

Description of the arcana:

The quiet, mirror-like sweetness of a dawn night continues to emerge from the foggy lake. Convicted in the sky, locked in deep meditation. This is the goddess of the night, who bears the depths, the world is a rosy one. This is a very precious hour. It will be easy for you to become confident in yourself, to penetrate into the depths of your powerful thinking to the point where you will align yourself with the thinking of the whole world.

Direct position of the Movchannya map:

There is nothing to be gained here, nowhere to go, and the intensity of your inner silence permeates everything you do. The stench of the people could be felt unceasingly, the fragments of the stench rang out to the noise and activity of the world. Forget about them, look for those who can resonate with your silence, or enjoy your own self-ness. The time has come to come to yourself. The beauty and blessing that will come to you from this place will appear later, when the hour comes for the call to return.

Sense card:

The energy of the whole has overwhelmed you. You are buried, you are no longer there, and you are whole. The same thing, as long as the prayer penetrates you, you can understand its significance, since it is the same prayer as having recognized Gauttama Buddha. This is the same thing as having recognized Zhuang Ji, or Bodhidharma, or Nansen. The same taste of movchannya. The hours change, the world continues to change, and before the end of the day, our joy, they are deprived of excess. There is only one thing that you can rely on, there is only one thing that never dies. This is the only thing you can call a good life.

A proven tarot reader interprets 78 Tarot cards in 10 positions in the “Celtic Ridge” layout for 1.2 trillion.

What's in store for you in the near future:

Find out what is waiting for you in the next hour with the help of Osho Zen Tarot cards.

The Movchannya card indicates a very favorable hour for knowledge, which can be achieved through inner silence. Once you can understand the importance of calm, then I will, if you are satisfied with yourself, feeling the savor of a good life. And the taste of love is lost forever. The light may change, and the light may change, or the activity will be lost forever.

But not everyone can feel comfortable until it’s quiet, even though we’ve already become loud enough to make noise that numbs us. They sounded so loudly that we no longer notice that we care about the essence of the speeches. And we have unlearned the value of movchannya. But now you need to be close to those who will understand and support the silence that is in the middle of you. Or stay calm, trying to move away from the annoying noise.

The Movchannya card in the Osho Zen Tarot deck is the eighteenth senior Arcana of the deck, number XVII.

In Waite's deck, the Zirka card represents you:

It can be noted that Movchanna has a greatly changed image and sensory map, but there are many similarities - a female image and energy, eyes, the appearance of an internal light and light. In the Osho Zen Tarot, there is still a special emphasis - on silence, and the silence is not external, but internal. This bright image has been buried in the corner for Himself.

Dear followers of Osho Zen Tarot, please note that the Movchannya card is also very similar to the image on the Inner Voice card. And there is the same association about the symbolism of intuition, third eye, inner knowledge. In my opinion, it is significant that in these two Arcana the same nutrition is seen with different accents, as if the Inner voice is the expression of the third eye and everything associated with intuition, Innyam, supranatural, then Movchannya (for us in front of our I call it) and the author’s intention) focuses our respect on inner silence and inner calm, which, of course, is essential so that a person can truly feel his inner voice.

Find out about the description of Movchannya and the methods of making: .

Osho especially deserves respect for those who value the true inner silence so that, in view of the outside world, it cannot be hidden from the surroundings - as in the surrounding noise and din, in the middle of the Enlightened still the same silence, calm and peace in the soul.

I see the main keywords in my opinion that describe the essence of the Movchanya arcana in the Osho Zen Tarot: inner calmness, silence, intuition, awareness, self-absorption.

The axis of this understands the trace of hiding when it is rosable. Now let's look at the report for applications and situations, different types of layouts.

Description of the individual through the Movchannya card Osho Zen Tarot

This is rather an introverted characteristic, not a particularly friendly person, with its deep interests, which makes it more important to save with oneself.
As much as a positive manifestation of mobility - both wisdom and complexity - your intuition and maps will show you what to guide.

Description of profession, career through the Movchannya Osho Zen Tarot card

More often, “mundane” professions come here, where people don’t get to talk much with strangers. For example, the robot has been removed.
In addition, the profession can be associated with the images of the night time on the map, apparently it could be a robot that needs to be present at the night shift.

Description of a special life through the Movchannya card Osho Zen Tarot

This can be literally unearthly, cosmic, enchanting, like the Kaza.
Relationships between two people will soon be characterized as having deep meanings, and therefore they are unlikely to be shown off in front of others - all the beauty of their love and passion will be visible only to them.

Description of business, penny food through the Movchannya Osho Zen Tarot card

The prospects for success and prosperity, and the one who drinks, can sense it on an intuitive level.
A calm and serious approach to financial management is required.

Description of health through the Movchannya Osho Zen Tarot card

Health improvement and harmonization will become all equals.
It’s good to improve your health - to spend more time in internal and external quiet, to practice relaxation and stress relief, especially mental stress.

Description of food about the place of living through the Movchannya card Osho Zen Tarot

It is possible to find yourself in a quiet place that is friendly. Otherwise, it is recommended to choose one yourself.
There is a feeling of calm, quiet, harmony in the daytime.

Description of nutrition about self-development and spirituality through the Osho Zen Tarot card Movchannya

It is recommended to practice the development of inner silence, intuition, femininity, and calmness. Practices from the water element.
A person who knows everything, is actively engaged in self-development, her intuition is well developed, she practices self-reflection and meditation.

Description of the negative meaning of the Movchannya Osho Zen Tarot card

A negative sense may have a lack of quietness, which causes problems for a person, and it may also be too fidgety, fussy - and this card gives it a very clear recommendation.

This is the basis of my analysis and reflection on the Movchannya card in the Osho Zen Tarot system. I will be glad if this article will help you understand this card better or understand and accept it in your own way.
